UniRank Reveals Latest University Rankings: Makerere Holds Strong, KIU and UCU Rise to Prominence in Uganda

UniRank Reveals Latest University Rankings: Makerere Holds Strong, KIU and UCU Rise to Prominence in Uganda

Kampala International University (KIU) and Uganda Christian University (UCU) have made remarkable strides in the latest rankings of top universities in Uganda, as unveiled by UniRank.

Surpassing Kyambogo University and Mbarara University of Science and Technology (MUST), KIU and UCU have climbed up the ranks.

Despite the shifting dynamics, Makerere University, a consistent frontrunner in previous rankings, has maintained its prestigious position at the top. KIU secures the second spot, with UCU closely following in third place.

Mbarara University secures fourth place, while Kyambogo University takes fifth. This departure from previous rankings by UniRank highlights the evolving landscape of Ugandan universities. UniRank’s approach involves providing an unbiased and independent assessment based on reliable web metrics, rather than relying on data submitted by the universities themselves.

The ranking criteria encompass various factors, including the university’s accreditation by recognized higher education organizations. Additionally, universities must offer bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral programs delivered primarily through traditional, non-distance education formats.

Also Read: https://www.campustimesug.com/rise-in-ugandans-seeking-dna-services-reflects-growing-demand-for-paternity-confirmation/

Other universities featured in the list include Valley University of Science and Technology, Ankole University, and Kayiwa International University. However, African Bible University, Mityana Agro-Vet Institute, Nsaka University, and Busoga University are marked as ‘unranked.’

For a comprehensive view of the rankings in Uganda, refer to the list below:

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