University students advised to balance books and work

University students advised to balance books and work
Working students should balance books with work
Working students should balance books with work

Makerere University Dean of students, Cyriaco Kabagambe, has urged students who work and study not to concentrate only on one and neglect the other.

“Students need to give ample time to both studies and the jobs. They serve two masters, the lecturer and the employer, they must serve both satisfactorily,” he said.

peaking during an exclusive interview at his Senate building office recently, the dean also urged students to avoid any clashes between the two, adding that both were equally important and complementary.

“Studies and work must not conflict. Students who work and study must take both seriously because they need both of them.  The two reinforce each other,” he said.

Mr. Kabagambe advised the students to make the right choice of study time in order to balance studies and work.

“Such students (who study and work) should choose their study time properly. For example if one works between 7pm and midnight, it is not wise for him or her to choose an evening programme,” he said.

Dr. Umaru Bgampadde, the dean, school of engineering, advised students to do work which is in line with the courses that they are doing.

“There is no reason for a student of engineering for example to go to work as a news reporter, he will not find it easy to balance books with work,” he said, adding, “when one does some work that is closely related to the course he is studying, class work reinforces field work.”

Gerald Mukiza, a first year student of Business Administration and a shop owner in Mukwenda Zone II, agreed that there is need to balance but was quick to add that it was not easy owing to some changes in timetables especially as lecturers begin to shun evening lectures.

“It is true that we need to balance books and work but it is difficult. Some lecturers prefer teaching before five pm. I sometimes find myself in class at midday,” he said.

Patrick Ocaido, a fourth year student of Journalism and Communication and Red Pepper’s photo editor said it was both easy and risky to balance books with a job.

“Working and studying is risking both. I have found myself at loggerheads with my lecturers for missing some classes and failure to meet deadlines,” he said.

“But I have learnt my lessons. Though I need money, I need a good degree in time. I therefore need to prioritize my education,” he added.

Some students at Makerere University also have jobs. Some are permanent employees; others are part time workers while others own their businesses or run their relatives’ businesses.

They do all these to afford a decent life, pay tuition fees and support families.

However, some have concentrated on one of the two and neglected the other, landing into trouble. Some have been unable to complete studies due to failure to raise fees because they concentrated on books while others have failed to graduate in time because they paid less attention to books.

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