UPDF Confirms ADF Attack on Ntoroko District, Uganda

UPDF Confirms ADF Attack on Ntoroko District, Uganda

The army has said Tuesday’s attack on Ntoroko District was carried out by Allied Democratic Force-ADF rebels.

On Tuesday two people were killed and one injured during an attack on Kyobe and Kayanja II Villages in Bweramule Sub County.

The Defence Spokesperson Felix Kulayigye said that 20-30 ADF fighters crossed River Semuliki into Ntoroko District. According to Kulayigye, 11 rebels were killed after they were intercepted by the army. 

Felix Kulayigye

Ntoroko District is bordered by the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the west where ADF rebels have their bases.

The Rwenzori region has been a hotbed for the Allied Democratic Forces for more than 30 years.  The rebels operated in Kasese, Kabarole, and Bundibugyo Districts.

On June 8, 1998, the rebels raided Kichwamba Technical College in Kabarole District and burnt 80 students to death in three dormitories. The rebels also abducted more than 100 students.

Also Read: Be Ready For Changes, Muhoozi Informs UPDF Officers

Last year, the UPDF launched air and artillery raids against the ADF key bases in the Eastern DRC with the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo-FARDC.

The operation, code-named, “operation Shujja” was mainly focusing on weakening the ADF bases in Yayuwa, Tondoli, Beni One, and Beni Two.

The government has accused ADF rebels of being behind strings of suicide bombings in Uganda.

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