What Bobi Wine is facing has ever happened to me-Besigye

Kiiza Besigye Uganda, Bobi Wine Uganda
Besigye was addressing a press conference at his Katonga Road based office on Thursday afternoon went on and said that what is happening now to Kyandondo East Legislator Kyagulanyi Sentamu  has ever been charged on him by the NRM government

Uganda’s top opposition leader Dr Kizza Besigye has today said that all the violence that happened in Arua by-elections is a result of government fear of its political opponents.

Besigye who was addressing a press conference at his Katonga Road based office on Thursday afternoon went on and said that what is happening now to Kyandondo East Legislator Kyagulanyi Sentamu  has ever been charged on him by the NRM government.

“I have been charged with treason twice. I have been charged with rape, with illegal possession of guns. My wife was charged with having a pistol in our home in Luzira where I used to live. These tramped up charges are the rules in how NRM addresses opponents,” Dr Besigye said.

He demanded that Bobi Wine and all the people arrested should be released immediately.
“We demand that all those persons being detained should be freed unconditionally. No person should be charged and attempted to be tried in the military courts,”

He said military courts are supposed to deal with service discipline. They are part and parcel of hierarchy of military service.
“These courts are not only formed by Mr Museveni, they are subordinate to him. They have no protection of independence. You cannot try your opponents in your courts,” he said.
Dr Besigye said the violence in Arua on Monday which led to the death of Bobi Wine’s driver, Yasin Kawuma, was instigated by NRM when they started firing bullets.

Government yesterday said they will charge Bobi Wine with treason after they allegedly found guns in his hotel room.

They said they will arraign him before the army court in Gulu today. Other detained politicians include: Kassiano Wadri, the Arua Municipality MP elect, Gerald Karuhanga, Francis Zzake and Paul Mwiru.


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