Avoid The Summer Slide

Avoid The Summer Slide
Reading should be made Fun
Reading should be made Fun

Summer can be a little bittersweet. The days are longer and there is no school which means you get a break from school routines such as packing lunches and dropping off kids. This also means that you need to find ways for your kids to stay engaged so their brains don’t turn to mush. You may have heard about the summer slide or the summer brain drain that can cause kids to lose several months of learning over summer. The good news is, you can use the following fun and simple options for adding learning to your summer routines.

  1. Play With Numbers

Kids love mysteries and this math game recommended by Education Unlimited is a lot of fun. You can play “Guess My Number” during a long road trip or while you are spending time at home. Start by thinking of a number between one and 100. Then, give your kids clues to help them figure out the number. You can give verbal clues or write then on a small whiteboard. For instance, choose the number 25 and depending on your the ability of your children, you may them that you have a number that is not divisible by two, but it is divisible by five. Another clue may be that the number is known as a quarter or that it is one-fourth of one hundred.

  1. Make Reading Fun

Reading can be rewarding and you can take any anxiety of your child’s summer reading by creating a schedule and then rewarding them for reaching certain milestones. A fun option may be for you and your child to create a beanstalk out of construction paper and place it on a large wall. Every book that your child reads they can add a colorful leaf to the vine. If you need ideas for books to read, check out Homer’s Summer Reading Challenge.

  1. Build Vocabulary With Scrabble

Kids love to play games and scrabble is one that they can enjoy and learn with at the same time. Your kids can form a team and play against adults or they can play against each other. As they make words, you can discuss with them what their meanings are and even consider using them in a sentence or story to build your children’s vocabulary.

  1. Create A Summer Scrapbook

If your child is creative, you can encourage them to create a scrapbook that tells the story of their summer. This can help your child improve their writing and storytelling skills. You can find great scrapbooking supplies at Michael’s or Target. To publish the scrapbook, Scribble Press is a great option.

  1. Go Outside

Structured learning is important, but it is also important to give your child ample opportunity to spend time outside with no agenda. You can spend time outside stargazing or plan a fun campout. Having time to explore the great outdoors is fun and can help your child create new interests. This can spark an interest in Greek myths, space travel, or the constellations.

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