Busitema University 7th graduation list 2014

Busitema University 7th graduation list 2014
Graduates of Busitema University
Graduates of Busitema University

Busitema University has passed out 1215 graduates at the 7th Graduation ceremony held on Friday 3rd 0ctober 2014.

Busitema University 7th Graduation List 2014

Out of the total graduates, 345 were female while 870 were male. The graduates were awarded certificates, Diplomas, and Degrees in different academic courses.

Breakdown of the graduates per course

Certificate in General Agriculture 434

Diploma in Agricultural Engineering  16

Diploma in Animal Production and Management 229

Diploma in Crop Production and Management  220

Diploma in Education Primary  45

Diploma in Ginning Engineering 9

Bachelor of Agricultural Mechanization and Engineering 26

Bachelor of Animal Production and Management APM  35

Bachelor of Science in Agro processing Engineering  19

Bachelor of Computer Engineering 50

Bachelor of Science in Natural Resource Economics 33

Bachelor of Science Education  53

Bachelor of Science in Textile Engineering 14

Busitema University Chancellor, Prof. Francis Garvesea Omaswa who presided over the graduation urged the graduates to become innovative and creative so as to find possible solutions to the problems the country is facing today.

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