The Baganda Nkobazambogo champions the 2023 KIU Cultural Gala

The Baganda Nkobazambogo champions the 2023 KIU Cultural Gala

Kampala International University (KIU), Main Campus-On Saturday 25th, February 2023, finally held the first cultural Gala since the outbreak of COVID-19 in 2020. Buganda Nkobazambogo edged KIU Kitara Students Association to claim the ultimate prize.

Hon. David Bahati, the minister of state for trade was the guest of honour at this year’s cultural gala. The Kisoro-born minister proved his love for culture by taking to stage to dance with the KIU Kisoro Students Association cultural dance performers.

Bahati advised students to love their heritage as it contributes greatly to their identity, values and orientation.

“What has happened today is not a competition amongst tribes or cultures, it is a celebration of unity in diversity. I, therefore, request each one of us to love their culture and heritage for it gives us a sense of belonging and contributes to patriotism, loving one’s country,” he said.

Bahati commended KIU for embracing cultural diversity and allowing students to exhibit and celebrate their cultures.

“I want to thank KIU for embracing culture, I am grateful to this University for having organized this, it is a celebration of Unity,” He said.

A total of 19 cultural Associations participated in the 2023 cultural gala and each presented with passion and pride.

 Basoga Nseete, Baganda Nkobazambogo, Banyarwanda, Bafumbira, Banyankole, Iteso, Samia, Bamasaba, Somali, Banyole, Banyoro, Batooro and others kept revelers on edge with some incredible performances, especially in the cultural dance.

Kampala International University Cultural Gala 2023

The cultural gala was attended by among others, KIU Vice-chancellor Prof. Mouhammed Mpezahingo, Assoc. Prof Janice Desire Busingye, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Finance and Administration, the acting Deputy Vice-Chancellor –Research Innovation and Extension Prof. Durraiz Rehman, Dean of student affairs, Ms. Agnes Najjuma, the University administrator, Ms. Judith Bakakimpa, the Guild President Moses Ebye, his cabinet and Guild representatives from other Universities.

Baganda Nkobazambogo performing

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