Case of Missing Marks at Cavendish University Uganda

Missing marks is a vice in many universities in Uganda today

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Cavendish University Uganda main campus

The vice of missing marks has stretched far from Cavendish university Uganda , as many students in Universities are faced with the problem and at extreme point causing them to miss out on the graduation list.

At Cavendish, it has turned blame game. Students putting it on lectures while lectures blame the former for being lazy and irresponsible.

Some students claim they sat for exams yet in actual sense they didn’t while others sit for exams but their marks are missing.Above all, this has left many doubts on the academic image of various universities in Uganda. But at Cavendish University missing marks is as a result of students’ failure to register, misspelling of their names and wrongly written Identity numbers.

Mr Mudoola Herbert confirms in an interview that missing marks is a two way process of either a student or lecturer.As he narrates;

Mr. Mudoola Herbert the Head Of Department SES explains on who is responsible for missing marks at Cavendish University

The issue of missing marks at Cavendish University has resulted into a blame game on who is responsible for missing marks between lecturers and students.

“Generally students have to blame themselves,” says Mr. Semakula Habib a lecturer at Cavendish University.

Voice of Mr. Semakula Habib a lecturer at Cavendish University

According to Nabagereka Grace a second year student of Accounting and finance says lecturers are responsible for missing marks.

Chat with one of the students of Cavendish University

Mr Ebenu Paul says it is not necessarily that the marks are missing as students put it.

Examination office
The voice of Mr Ebenu Paul the Assistant Registrar and Head of the examination office

Reducing the risk;

According to what Mr Ebenu says, students bear some of the responsibility for missing marks. Here are some precautions to take on your part as a student to reduce the risk of missing marks;

  • You should register so that your modules are captured in the system and also make sure that what you register is accurate most especially the module codes.
  • You should be inline to write correct identity numbers, writing your names in their correct order and in clear handwriting.
  • One should be inline to visit the notice board to check through the published results whether their are missing marks or not.
  • Tuition should be completed in time to avoid your results from being withheld and then you complain of missing marks.

If your marks go missing.

What should one do if their marks go missing? Mpirirwe Wenslas shares their experience in the video below;

Mpirirwe Wenslas a student at Cavendish University Uganda narrates

In conclusion, missing marks at Cavendish University is mostly caused by the failure of students to register accurate course modules and codes, misspelling of their names,failure of students to register and wrongly written identity numbers.

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