Crazy things ladies do in the name of love

Crazy things ladies do in the name of love
There are reasons why some women cheat on their lovers
There are reasons why some women cheat on their lovers

Some ladies have been blind folded by wanting to please their loved ones,  Mutebi Paul Tusiime writes, grow up my sisters.

He won’t use condoms because you use pills… why? Reason, he wants it natural? But have you thought of ovarian cancer and infertility!

He gets you pregnant and you have aborted like 5 times….why? Because he is not ready!.GROW UP

He is tired of natural place for copulation. He moves to your behind saying its tighter. Then you begin to lick and smell ….why? Because you want to please and not loose him…GROW UP

You have been wearing his engagement ring for close to 4yrs and he is not wearing any …why? Because he has promised you marriage. GROW UP MY SISTER.

He wants a blow job yet he won’t give you head …..why?..Because he feels you are not so clean “there”..GROW UP MY SISTER.

You dress half naked thinking you look sexy and hot, he isn’t complaining but he has more cloths on.. Don’t be surprised when he takes a more decent girl home…GROW UP LADY..

A guy dumps you, you wana pay him back and all u could do is to sleep with his friend? and you think this is pay back? like seriously? ?? MY SISTER GROW UP..

You think getting pregnant for him will make him marry you?…GROW UP GIRL.. You become a single mama with no job, no means for feeding for your baby and yourself so… You leave junior with Grandma and you go back to the hustling field…….hehehe

Then you begin to say………..M­EN Are Wicked!!! Whose fault? Please some ladies,be wise!

U know you deserve better than this… Don’t always be at the loosing end!!

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