Dating: Online media making long distance relationships memorable

Long distance relationships are ones where two or more people are connected together in their emotional and sexual association but operating between distant places for example One in a given country and the other in another one.

Such relationships were very hard to manage in terms of money, emotional support, sexual satisfaction, among others over the past days.

This is no longer a challenge with the advent of new technologies for example the online media in form of Emails, WhatsApp, Facebook, MSN, Online games, among others that almost create a similar feeling to that of a normal relationship.

Online media offers voice conversation features for example the WhatsApp voice note, Facebook call, Skype, among others allows people in a long distance relationship to talk every day for as long as they want at a cheaper price.

This new invention has bridged the communication gap between such individuals in the said relationships and the rate at which they feel close is arguably comparable to those in normal relationships.

Indeed, gone are the days when long distance lovers were not allowed to dream of having a date at a given time as they desired in a long distance relationship. With the birth of online platforms such as Skype, such lovers just have to agree on the time to enjoy the date and skype offers them the moment for example a decision can be made to have a date at the favorite eating place as one joins the eating on the other end.

Shatra Muzaki, a student of Journalism at Makerere University, shares her experience in a long distance relationship with a big smile. She says that online media enforces the sense of closeness by asking her love to play for her music alongside a romantic voice note from him. She emphasizes that a long distance relationship has given her much peace as compared to the normal relationships.

“ There is nothing more pleasant than coming home after a long day and finding unexpected romantic email from a lover.” Asserts Muzaki.

Online platforms are making it easy for those in long distance relationships

Online games such as MSN games, and several Facebook linked games offer a feeling of closeness despite not being physically together, a feeling that was once limited to normal couples because of the great amounts of time to interact they had. Online games can be played with a partner, such as Audi or games at Facebook like candy crush. How does it feel when your lives on Candy crush are done and you send a link to your lover to bail you out with some lives to continue the game? I guess this is one romantic feeling online media has offered to long distance lovers.

It is believable when one tells you that one cannot miss a birthday or an important event of a partner because of being in a long distance relationship. Online platforms such as Facebook allows you a reminder to all important events for example One can even follow up on waking up a partner for an interview that might skip their mind.

Surely, though long distance relationships still registers some challenges and night mares, the birth of the world wide web and online media has made such relationships memorable for example thinking of the partner and you change your WhatsApp display picture to be one where the two of you appear, creating a joint email account where you use your individual accounts to participate in a conversation, among others.

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