Deadline For submission of Public Universities Application Forms for 2015/2016 Academic Year extended

Deadline For submission of Public Universities Application Forms for 2015/2016 Academic Year extended

The Academic Registrar, Makerere University, informs all Head Teachers of A-level schools that the deadline for issuing and receiving of public universities admissions application forms for senior six candidates, for the 2015/2016 academic year has been extended from 19th December, 2014 to 30th January, 2015.

The application forms are collected from the Academic Registrar’s Office, Senate Building, Level 3, Makerere University on payment of a non-refundable application fee of ug.shs.52,000/= per person (for Ugandans). Please note that only head teachers or their authorised representatives will be served.

Alfred Masikye Namoah, Makerere university Academic registrar says that there will be no issuing and receiving of application forms after 30th January, 2015.

Also See: Courses offered at Mbarara University of Science and Technology

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