Makerere Bazaar: Student Severely injured Trying to rescue Mitchel hall speaker from Angry Mob

Makerere Bazaar: Student Severely injured Trying to rescue Mitchel hall speaker from Angry Mob

A Makerere University  student has escaped with severe injuries as he tried to rescue Mitchel hall speaker from attackers during Baazar.

Katerega a second year student of Education. His shove him with a metallic stove which cracked his head causing alot of bleeding.

At the time the student was rushed to hospital, he was unconscious with blood gushing out of his head and is currently in the emergency and accident wing at mulago hospital.

The attacker is believed to be a ‘serial hooligan’ at the Campus and has always caused havoc at the University Bazaars.

The attack left many students especially Freshers in suspense of the University security and the administration’s promise to wipe-out hooliganism at the might institute.


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