Details of Makerere University Students Strike

Details of Makerere University Students Strike
Students of Makerere university demonstrating on March 9th 2015.
Students of Makerere university demonstrating on March 9th 2015.

Makerere University government sponsored students went on strike on Monday morning of 9th March 2015 demanding to be paid special faculty allowance. The striking students are organised under their umbrella; Makerere University Government Sponsored Students (MUGOSA).

Special Faculty allowance was scrapped off in 2012 and changed into Special Faculty Requirement Fund. It was indicated on Admission Letters of students during 2012/2013 academic year that will be no Special Faculty Allowance.

However a section of students from different colleges continue to receive Special Faculty Allowance. A letter released by the office of Deputy Vice Chancellor in charge of Administration on 23rd 2015 notified government sponsored students that those eligible to get faculty allowance will continue to receive it until they complete.

“Special Faculty Allowance will be paid to eligible students according to the approved schedule and students will be informed accordingly,” the letter read.

Ssewajje Hassan, MUGOSA president declared that, “we feel that we can’t go any further without this money. We have lost our patience, we have been negotiating and time for negotiations has ended. We shall continue until we get thus money.”

“The university claim that it diverted money into special faculty requirement fund which is supposed to be used by colleges to buy textbooks and scholastic materials. It was supposed to be formed in 2012 but up to now nothing has been done,” Ssewajje further said.

There is heavy police deployment and University administration is yet to clarify on the issue.

PHOTOS: Makerere university students on strike over allowances
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