Does your hairstyle flatter your facial shape?

Does your hairstyle flatter your facial shape?

Every woman yearns to be attractive and beautiful. She always wants to stand out of the crowd. The things she likes are more than just the ordinary. Any sane woman will do whatever it takes to have a great appearance as Hajara Lutaakome writes.

Hair is one of those things that every lady is so conscious about. However many women put on expensive clothes and perfect makeup, if their hair is not well done, they will never feel confident about themselves.

In Uganda for example, as one walks down the streets of Kampala, just passing buy one of the country’s famous shopping centers, GAZALAND… if you are a lady, people will call you all sorts of names to sell to you their beauty products. You will hear them say, ‘sister, saloon’……sister saloon and many others.

Due to the increasing number of trends evolving in the world today, women have no choice but to adopt the new trends. The market is now flooded with artificial hair pieces or extensions that come in different styles, textures, colours, brands as well as prices. Women today are literally spoilt for choice when it comes to hair extensions.

Women choose hair styles depending on what they love, what they do, who they look up to or according to their daily schedules. They usually change their hairstyles weekly, monthly, bimonthly and so on. Every woman desires to look new and fresh always.

But have you as a woman ever taken to figure out the kind of hairstyle that you should have?know which hair style to have, when and where? Here are a few hints that will help you choose a hairstyle that befits a woman like you.

The Busy Bee: You will need a simple, neat and smart hairstyle if you have a tight schedule. When you have so much to do in a day of just 24 hours, then you have to be good at time management by choosing pieces that do not ask for regular maintenance on daily basis. If you have a family ,tough job, business alongside other responsibilities, this is your ideal hairstyle.

The Celebrity: This type of hair style is common among models, actresses, fashion designers, music artists. They believe such hairdos describe them best and will market them to their fans. If you belong to this category,  you might want to choose a hair style that describes for example your music , your energy, something that is unique and pretty outstanding from what the common woman has. One that is way too different from the ordinary girl! Ladies, please don’t show up at work with one of these or you risk looking lost especially if you are a corporate lady.

Young and Trendy: Young girls usually go in for a hair style that is trending. Some  want something that describes their personality or something that makes them look different from the girl next door. Usually, they want to make hairdos like those of their favorite artist or celebrity. However, some like it simple. They keep changing hairdos as trends change.

The Elderly: An old and retired lady simply wants to enjoy the fruits of what she has worked for over the years. As some women grow older, they usually suffer hair loss.Though this hair loss is temporary, hair growth becomes slower than before. Old age is associated with elements of stress and a lot of sweating. This is why most of them prefer short simple hair for it’s easy to manage and maintain. Some however want to catch up with trends and they go for longer hairstyles.

Whatever your style, a woman’s hair style says a lot about who is she, whether youth , wild, calm, trendy, old fashioned or famous and much more. It is one of those ways that women communicate to the public. Every hairstyle sends out a message.

To the ladies out there! Take time to choose a hairstyle that compliments you. A hairdo that attracts rants and negative perception is not worth your time and money. Remember, ladies are the flowers of the universe.

Just like flowers, we ladies ought to look good all the time, be fresh always, attractive and smelling good. And so should be your hairstyle. So, go ahead and choose one that looks good on you and brings out the best of who you really are. Remember, a woman’s hair is her crown of glory.

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