E-Learning at Uganda Pentecostal University

E-Learning at Uganda  Pentecostal University

Uganda Pentecostal university in Fort portal Tourism city is struggling to contain the effects of COVID 19 following the introduction of e-learning technology to continue students’ studies.

Uganda Pentecostal university Mucwa campus is Located 1km from Fort portal city in Maguru central Division of the city.

Students attending 18th graduation at UPU

COVID 19 especially the ban on physical classes resulted into a drop in students’ numbers by close to 50percent of the entire student’s population according to the university administration.

This prompted the university to quickly introduce e-learning system to facilitate students’ education

Watch video of the system administrator about e-learning.

Brian Ssemwogere a lecturer at UPU shares his view on COVID 19 and introduction of E-learning

Alituha Patrick Journalism student and Muhumuza Adonio Law student were among those who struggled with COVID 19 effects to continue their studies while others dropped out completely.

Below is the audio of students on e-learning

To students the e-learning technology favored only the advantaged who had accessories to access the service.

Watch a video of Student.

Student at UPU sharing his e-Learning experience

Below is the audio of another student on e-learning

According to Brian Ssemwogerere the systems administrator at Uganda Pentecostal university using  the new system became a challenge due to limited computer skills by students and this increased the work load of lecturers.

Watch video of Brian on computer skills.

Brian Ssemwogerere lecturer at UPU talking about limited computer skills by students.


The university also suffered extra cost to introduce internet portal and facilitate lecturers’ extra hours to conduct eLearning lessons.

Watch video of lecturer on extra costs.

Video of e- learning system administrator at UPU talking about extra costs on facilitating e- learning

However, all hope not lost the strange system later became familiar to other far students and lecturers who still use it today.

Over 200 students currently are on e-learning program.

students at Uganda Pentecostal university preparing for an online class

Below is lecturer comment on e-learning continuity.

Kavuma Fred head of Faculty of Journalism at Uganda Pentecostal university says the e-learning system should however be backed by physical interaction especially for practical classes to add on students’ knowledge.

Watch video on e-learning.

Video of Head of Journalism faculty at UPU talking about e-learning

Uganda Pentecostal university is in contact with the National council for higher education to introduce distant learning to back up online studies as the dean of student explains.

Watch Video of Dean of student.

Video of Dean of students at UPU talking about distance learning

According to a 2020 study conducted by Africa policy Centre in Uganda of the 92 percent students who continued studying in COVID 19 only 16percent had access to online learning successfully. 

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