Education Minister Jessica Alupo displays juicy thighs at Nkumba University Graduation

Education Minister Jessica Alupo  displays  juicy thighs  at Nkumba University Graduation

Minister Jessica Alupo(L)  In  Fashion Police

Uganda  Education  Minister, Jessica   Alupo  is   one  tempting species  on planet  earth.

She   has   all features   men  love  in  a  woman  including  the height  and  orange  boobs. 

The  minister  on 25th October 2014   caused a  hell  of  storm   at  Nkumba University 17th  Graduation  ceremony presided over by the university chancellor, Sir Gordon Kasibante Wavamunno .

The government  officer, Jessica   Alupo who was the  chief guest   left   several   horny men  salivating and melting down  like candle wax because of  her micro mini party   dress  that exposed her  yellow  juicy thighs.

Also See: Nkumba university starts new courses in Nursing and Public Health

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