FDC candidate declared Nkumba University Guild President

FDC candidate declared Nkumba University Guild President
Byarugaba Julius (FDC) voted Nkumba University Guild President
Byarugaba Julius (FDC) voted Nkumba University Guild President

Byarugaba Julius has been elected the Guild President of Nkumba university.

He won with 605 votes. The 24 year old Julius is from FDC party. He is a third year student studying a course in Law.

He beat six others in the race; Tumusime Derek  of NRM got 341
Kalende Claire  43
Ssewanyana Timothy 17
Nuwamanya Roberto 43
Buteega Ampaire Amon 96

Fact File

Names: Byarugaba Julius

School: SLAW, LLB3

Age: 24 years

Home District: Kampala

Primary school:  Kyambogo primary school

High school:  Kyambogo college

Combination: HEG/A

Supporters of Byarugaba Julius cheering after he was declared winner
Supporters of Byarugaba Julius cheering after he was declared winner

Best Quote: “a good leader is like a candle. It burns itself to give others light”

Slogan: 24/7 I CARE

Inspirer: Gashumba Frank

Leadership Facts:

Head boy: Kyambogo Primary -2003

Head-prefect: Namilyango College-2009-2010

Sports minister: Kyambogo College-2007-2008

General Secretary: Non-Residents-2011-2013

Current responsibility: Rugby Captain: Nkumba University -2014

Manifesto: Togetherness and service delivery

Story By Denis Bakampemukira

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2 Responses to "FDC candidate declared Nkumba University Guild President"

  1. Pingback: Yoram Banyenzaki voted MUBS Guild President | The Campus Times

  2. Pingback: Yoram Banyenzaki voted MUBS Guild President | The Campus Times

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