Former Nkumba University Guild Bosses drawn in booze

Former Nkumba University  Guild  Bosses  drawn in booze
Okebe Nathan after blacking out with booze
Okebe Nathan after blacking out with booze

Former   Nkumba  University  Guild   Bosses, Okebe  Nathan  and  Kayihura  Felix  Safari  over the  weekend   invaded  the bottle  party  at Water Front beach in Entebbe.

The  ‘partners  in  crime’  invaded   the   bottle-fest   and  downed   pints  like  never  before.

The party  was organized by the former Entebbe DPC, Edgar  Nyabongo  to  say  bye-bye  to all  his  former   colleagues   and  to  welcome the  new  Entebbe  DPC  Godfrey  Nisiima  into  office.

The  party  was  flooded  with  lots  of  babes  to make bosses  happy  the  whole  night.

Meanwhile, after   the beach party,  another   drink-up  party   was organized   in  Club X5 where Kayihura and Okebe drunk themselves up and down.

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