Matovu John to contest for President, Nkumba University Alumni Association

Matovu John to contest for President, Nkumba University Alumni Association
Matovu John wants to become the president of Nkumba University Alumni Association

Matovu John has expressed interest in becoming the next President of Nkumba University Alumni Association.

This follows an announcement by the current president of the association, Mr.Kabuza Mukasa mobilising old students for a re-union during which a new president will be elected.

“Nkumba University Alumni Association is organizing a re-union for old students of  Nkumba University, to vote a new Alumni Executive Committee on Saturday September 23, 2017″, Mr. Kabuza says.

“Many of you have visited the Used to be mighty University and others have heard what is happening and am sure you are disappointed.  We pay Alumni fees at every graduation and we never here about our University again”, the aspiring candidate, Matovu John says.

“The Alumni that is supposed to keep the old students together and inspire new students to join the university just does the opposite, this is the reason why a new leadership is needed”, Matovu noted.

“I have trust in Matovu and I’m sure he can fight for us to have a vibrant Alumni association that can put our University back in shape”, Madinah Zalwango, a former Guild President of Nkumba University and heading the campaigning task force for Matovu says.

In the video below, Matovu shares his views on some of the things the association can do in case he is voted into power. Enjoy watching.

Who is Matovu John

Matovu John was born in 1987 to a teacher, Mr. Kasozi Charles and Nakibuka Immaculate (R.I.P) in Sentema, Wakiso District.

Matovu John wants to become the president of Nkumba University Alumni Association

He went to Sentama Nursary school for early education before going to SOS Hermann Gmeiner, a German founded school for his primary and O’level.

He attended Namilyango College for A’level then Law Development Centre (LDC) to study an Ordinary Diploma in Law.

In 2009, he joined Nkumba University for a bachelor’s degree in Law. While at Nkumba, he severed as Minister for finance when Kaihura Felix was the guild president.

He again joined LDC for a postgraduate diploma in legal practice which he completed in 2016.


Matovu is an advocate of the high court and currently doing private practice in Kampala with Nagawa, Luggya and Company Advocates which focuses on land matters and commercial transactions.

He is also a part time lecture at Kyambogo University.

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