FULL SPEECH: Uganda National Budget for financial year 2015/2016

FULL SPEECH: Uganda National Budget for financial year 2015/2016
Hon. Matia Kasaija, Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development
Hon. Matia Kasaija, Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development

Hon. Matia Kasaija, Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development read Uganda National Budget for the financial year 2015/2016.

The budget reading took place at Serena Conference Center in Kampala on 11th June 2015 under the theme; “Maintaining Infrastructure Investment and Promoting Excellence in Public Service Delivery”

According to the minister, the National Budget has risen from Shs.18 trillion last year (2014/2015) to Shs.24 trillion (2015/2016).

Next year’s financial Budget focuses more on seven strategic areas which include the following:-

  1. Maintenance of National Security and Defense.
  2. Facilitation of Private Sector Enterprise Development.
  3. Effective Development and Maintenance of Infrastructure.
  4. Commercialization of Agriculture and Improved Productivity in Primary Growth Sectors;
  5. Enhanced Capacity for Increased Domestic Revenue Mobilization
  6. Increased Social Service Delivery
  7. Enhanced Efficiency in Government Management.

The minister noted that domestic revenues are expected to increase to Shs. 11,333 billion up from Shs. 9,799 billion.

Uganda government expects to receive external financing equivalent to Shs. 5,649 billion in grants and loans, of which Shs. 1,095 billion is grants, Shs. 1,326 billion is concessional loans, and Shs. 3,228 billion is non-concessional loans.


  • Shs 1,632.89 billion has been approved for the Security Sector
  • Shs. 479.96 billion to the agriculture sector.
  • Shs. 1,270.8 billion for Health Sector
  • 30.8 billion for Tourism sector
  • Shs. 3,328.79 billion to the transport sector
  • UShs 2,029 Billion for education sector

Below is the full speech of the National Budget 2015/2016

Uganda National Budget Speech for financial year 2015/2016

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