HIV prevention and control Bill passed

HIV prevention and control Bill passed
HIV bill passed
HIV positive victims who spread the virus to be jailed.

Health rights activists have asked President Yoweri Museveni not to assent to the just passed HIV/AIDS prevention and control bill.

Parliament recently passed the bill, which provides for 10 years in jail for someone who intentionally infects another with HIV.

Dr Lydia Mungherera who works with The AIDS Support Organisation says it is discriminatory and people will end up shunning medical help.

However, the chairman of the Health committee, Dr. Kenneth Omona defended the bill, noting that it will help in the fight

The contentious private member’s bill was introduced in parliament on April 30, 2010.

Clause 41 states that a person who willfully and intentionally transmits HIV to another person commits an offence.

The ultimate penalty on conviction is 10 years in jail or a fine of Shs 5m or both.

The bill also provides for a Trust Fund which shall consist of a 2 % tax levied on beers, soft drinks spirits and bottled water.

The regional Coordinator of The International Community of Women living with HIV/AIDS in Eastern Africa, Lillian Mworeko warning that the Act will create more stigma especially against women and children.

Mworeko says the bill should have been harmonized together with the East African Community HIV and Aids Prevention and Management Bill, 2010, which promotes service provision.

The East African Community HIV and Aids Prevention and Management Act, which President Museveni assented to,, mandates partner states to provide HIV/Aids related services, guarantee the right to privacy of people living with HIV/Aids.

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