How beautiful babes contributed to Bugingo Don Patrick's victory as MUBS Guild President 2015/2016

How beautiful babes contributed to Bugingo Don Patrick's victory as MUBS Guild President 2015/2016
Bugingo Don Patrick, MUBS Guild President 2015/2016
Bugingo Don Patrick, MUBS Guild President 2015/2016

The newly elected Makerere University Business School Guild President Bugingo Don Patrick beat his rivals with a landslide victory in the elections conducted on Thursday 16th April 2015.

Don Patrick Bugingo (Democratic Party)  gathered 2707 votes.

  1. Victor Birungi (Independent) got 982 votes
  2. Evelyn Aijuka  (NRM )  334 votes
  3. Mariam Nakigudde (FDC) 70.

Very many factors contributed to Bugiggo’s success,  some of the most prominent ones as told by political analyst, Kansiime Godfrey include:

Beautiful babes: In every University today,  girls are the major stakeholders when it comes to voting. Credit should be given to the Girl Child Education which enables them flock Universities in numbers.

MUBS is one institution in which the girls out do the boys,  in fact it’s regarded as the land of beauties. Bugingo was a ladies’ wine through out the election period.

His looks: It’s unclear whether his handsome looks attribute to his tribe or it is God’s sent. But Bugingo’s charming face and smile seduced many campus ladies who were left with no option but to vote for him.

Bugingo Don Patrick casting his vote at MUBS
Bugingo Don Patrick casting his vote at MUBS

Oratory skills: Different voters who encountered Bugingo in one-to-one situations credit him for having the convincing tongue. He however always performed exceptionally when it came to open campaigns as well.

Party politics: NRMs Evelyn Aijuka was alleged to have been an FDC candidate before crossing.  This brought about bitter rivalry from her former counterparts who rallied against her.

The previous abandoned elections mess was all blamed on her party something that brought negative publicity.  Her crossing left the FDC party bruised.

Her actions during the first elections annoyed party members and supporters,  realising how Bugingo was beating them,  they at the final minute decided to support Victor Birungi. This explains why he came second.

Evelyn Aijuka and Victor Birungi’s character: It’s understood that the two served in the previous Guild Cabinet which was accused of under performance, thus the electorate could not trust such candidates with their votes for more failures.

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