Makerere University Guild President's message of gratitude to students

Makerere University Guild President's message of gratitude to students
Bala David Bwiruka is the newly elected guild president of Makerere university.
Bala David Bwiruka is the newly elected guild president of Makerere university.

The trials were so many, the tides were so high, the road was ragged, dark, long but very beautiful at the end and I would like to congratulate you for together we emerged victorious.

Fellow country men and women, the epitome of understanding, the gallant intellectuals of the ivory tower, the Harvard of Africa (Makerere university), the ladies of grace and men of honor, friends, colleagues, ladies and gentlemen. It is my sincere heartfelt honor and privilege to write to you to thank you for your unwavering and overwhelming support throughout the campaign time.

As you might be aware, a tiger does not brag about its tigritude but you only need to see a skeleton of an antelope and there you will know that surely the tiger has emanated.

Gallant intellectuals, throughout Makerere university guild presidential and GRC campaigns and elections you have all acted like tigers and tigresses in your support and in your decision last Wednesday 18/03/2015, and last Monday 23/ 03/2015 (GRC election).

I thank you for the unanimous decision you reached to steer forward our university in a new direction with a new, formidable and impeccable leaders.

In the same spirit, I wish to congratulate all the GRCs that made it for 2015/2016 stewardship and thank those that participated for the good of our university. This is a good indicator of growing and deepening students’ democracy and active citizenship.

I would also like to thank a slate of candidates that accompanied me in this long but beautiful and worthy journey: Mr. Mwine Musa, Ms Namulindwa Stellah, Mr. Opoya Michael, Mr. Mukula George William, Mr. Kayondo Latima, Mr. Ssentogo Ivan, and Mr. Bamwoya Festus, Mr. Baguma Andrew and Mr. Lubega Henry.

Thank you for offering yourselves to serve our university that you so much love and care for. We surely owe you our gratitude and thanks.

Finally, I would like to invite everyone to our swearing ceremony on Monday 30/03/2015, and to our victory party at University Hall (UH) on Tuesday 31/03/2015 at 12 PM. Come in usual billion numbers.

Yours in service

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4 Responses to "Makerere University Guild President's message of gratitude to students"

  1. Najjita Sarah on Facebook   March 30, 2015 at 7:41 am


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  2. Najjita Sarah on Facebook   March 30, 2015 at 7:41 am


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  3. Pingback: Bala David Bwiruka aka Tiger sworn in as Makerere university Guild President 2015/2016 | The Campus Times

  4. Pingback: Bala David Bwiruka aka Tiger sworn in as Makerere university Guild President 2015/2016 | The Campus Times

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