How Students Can Manage Thoughts and Emotions

Thoughts and emotions have the potential to take over our lives. All that we do seems to be controlled by what we feel. And when these feelings are unpleasant, its easy to feel trapped and overwhelmed thus affecting performance.

Students who lose focus or motivation are typically discouraged. They are often discouraged because they feel as if they won’t do well academically, so they lose hope.

To some, it seems as if successful students are born smart. Yet it sometimes depends on one’s mindset and determination for success no matter what else is going on in their personal lives or extracurricular activities, they always aim at getting good grades.

Many of such students are just more disciplined and focused. They have developed winning habits besides the challenging thoughts and emotions.

For one to succeed, the thoughts and emotions need to be managed effectively especially when faced with disappointment.

To do so, take a step back and ask yourself the following questions:

  • Are these thoughts true?
  • Are these thoughts helpful?
  • Am I taking things too personally?
  • How can I view the situation more positively?
  • Do I need to forgive the other person?
  • Do I need to forgive myself?
  • How can I be more compassionate toward myself?
  • What productive actions can I take to improve the situation?

Through answering these questions, you’ll adopt a more positive and resilient mindset.

ALSO READ: Top 10 reasons why you may need family counseling

Below are some tips on how to manage your thoughts and emotions to become more successful and not mentally stressed.

1. Smile

There is something absolutely magical about a smile. Try this for yourself – next time you are feeling blue, or red-hot with anger, smile.

Did you know that it is physiologically impossible to have bad feelings if you are smiling?

If you wake up sad, stressed, or angry, smile at yourself in the mirror first thing in the morning.  Just stand there and smile at yourself. Make yourself do it even if you don’t want to. Hold that smile until it’s genuine.

Hold that smile until… You know what will happen? You’re going to burst out laughing whether you want to or not!

Any time you feel bad, just smile. A smile that is genuine lights you up. It’s a physical action so in harmony with Love that it can’t help but make you feel better.

2. Meditate

Meditation changes your relationship to your emotions. It’s not denial but a shift of focus. Sometimes the best way to accomplish something is to do nothing.

Close your eyes and focus on your breathing for as long as it takes you to calm down. Feel the inhale and exhale; count your breaths if you like. Do whatever it takes to keep your focus on your breath and off the situation at hand.

This little time out will give you time to gather your thoughts and perhaps see the situation in a different light. It is a great step in learning how to control your emotions. But in case you need counseling, visit for more advice.

3. Give it a minute and a half

When a negative emotion hits you, be aware that it takes just 90 seconds for it to pass through your system. From the time your limbic system generates the emotion to the time that chemical reaction dissipates, is a minute and a half.

If you simply feel the emotion and don’t get involved in the thought that generated it by repeating “I feel (angry, sad, etc.)” – it will pass and you’ll regain your equilibrium.

4. Do what you love

When you’re immersed in some activity you’re passionate about, and you’re really focused on what you’re doing, it’s difficult to feel bad. Doing what you love uplifts you in so many ways!

You’ll be happier and better able to cope with life’s monkey wrenches when your life is meaningful and when you do what you love.

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