I can help you to play your role to determine Uganda's future, Mbabazi tells Makerere university students

I can help you to play your role to determine Uganda's future, Mbabazi tells Makerere university students
Amama Mbabazi is welcomed by Makerere university students..
Amama Mbabazi is welcomed by Makerere university students..

Just a day after Gen David Sejusa’s cheerful visit to Makerere university, Amama Mbabazi has also had a smooth chat with students at the institution’s College of Engineering Design Art and Technology (CEDAT) conference hall in the afternoon of Friday 24th April  2015.

The former Prime minister in Museveni’s government was attending a handover ceremony of the out going Makerere University Guild speaker to the new one where Amama Mbabazi was the Chief Guest.

While addressing students, Mbabazi thanked the Guild leaders for their invitation and asked them to know their roles as youth in the country’s leadership.

“We did our role when we were youth some decades ago to have the Uganda that you see now. My role now is to help you play your part in your generation to determine the future of Uganda,” says Mbabazi.

With the political tension in Uganda as the general elections draw nearer, Makerere University students could not let Mbabazi step off the podium before telling them about his plans for 2016.

Amama Mbabazi addressing Makerere University students.
Amama Mbabazi addressing Makerere University students.

In his response, Mbabazi re-echoed the famous intellectual statement that: “Intelligence is knowing what to do, and wisdom is knowing when to do it, I will be discussing more and more in the near future”, a statement that left students perplexed and whispering about what he actually meant.

But one wonders why all this is happening at Makerere University, perhaps your guess is as good as mine.

RELATED: Makerere university Mary Stuart girls share a smile with ‘forgotten’ General David Sejusa
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