Kabakumba Masiko donates 1.4M for renovating Makerere University Tennis Court

Kabakumba Masiko donates 1.4M for renovating Makerere University Tennis Court
Kabakumba Masiko addressing Makerere university students (PHOTO: Katumba Badru)
Kabakumba Masiko addressing Makerere university students (PHOTO: Katumba Badru)

Princess Kabakumba Labwoni Masiko Abwooli has donated 400,000/= cash and pledged to pay one million shillings more towards the renovation of Afrostone Lawn Tennis Court at Makerere University.

The project aimed at renovating the Tennis Court is headed by the former chair-lady of Africa Hall, Nakintu Rinah.

It is estimated to cost 74 million Uganda shillings.

Afrostone Lawn Tennis Court had been turned into a sweet potato plantation but with Masiko’s rescue, tennis players are now smiling.

An alumina of Africa hall and Member of Parliament for Bujenje Constituency in Masindi District (Masiko) promised to offer more support and assured Makerere University students that by next semester one of the courts will have been finished.

She thanked Rinah for coming up with such a brilliant idea which is going to cause change to not only Africa

Nakintu Rinah is the brain behind the project. (PHOTO Katumba Badru)
Nakintu Rinah is the brain behind the project. (PHOTO Katumba Badru)
The proposed plan of the Tennis Court  (PHOTO Katumba Badru)
The proposed plan of the Tennis Court (PHOTO Katumba Badru)
The proposed plan of the Tennis Court  (PHOTO Katumba Badru)
Masiko (R) with Makerere university students (PHOTO Katumba Badru)

Hall but also to Makerere University community and Uganda at large.

She also called on well-wishers to respond to the current problem in order to build the future of Tennis players.

You can enjoy watching the photo-slide show of the Event below.
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