Kalende Clare- Nkumba University former Guild Presidential aspirant resorts to modeling

Kalende Clare- Nkumba University former Guild Presidential aspirant resorts to modeling
Kalende Clare show cases one of her lovely dress
Kalende Clare show cases one of her lovely dress

Kalende Clare resorts to modeling

Kalende Clare who got a handful of votes when she contested as Guild President at Nkumba university has joined modeling and thrown in the towel for politics.

Our sources have found out that the lovely beauty presidential failure; Clare could have found her new career in fashion designing and modeling.

Kalende Clare is offering a degree course in Business Administration at the Entebbe based university-Nkumba.

Following her latest posts on her social media pages, Kalende Clare has taken the masses viral, and many are wondering the kind of Guild President they were going to have in case she had won the seat.

Kalende Clare
Kalende Clare
Kalende Clare
Kalende Clare

Her striking out fits have left several university students with swollen trousers, all wishing to whisper their sweet nothings to her.

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