Kyambogo University Academic Calendar for Freshers and Continuing Students Out!

Kyambogo University Academic Calendar for Freshers and Continuing Students Out!

Kyambogo University has released the academic calendar for both Freshers and continuing students for semester two 2021/2022.

This came after a senate special meeting which was held on 23rd September 2022.

According to the calendar, the semester will begin on 29th October 2022 for the three categories of learners, when all resident students will be expected to report.

Teaching and learning will commence on 31st October 2022 and there will be a one-week graduation break.

Graduation for the finalists of the academic year 2020/2021 will last three days starting on 7th December till 9th December 2022.

Students will resume their classes on 12th December for just one week before they break off for a two-weeks Christmas break on 18th December.

Students will be expected to report on 4th January 2023 for the continuation of the semester that commenced on 29th October 2022. Teaching and learning will go on for five weeks up to 6th February 2023.

The academic calendar shows a two-week’s revision period starting on 6th February and ending on 20th February when the examinations will begin.

Finally, the semester will end on 12th March 2023 when the examinations end. Examinations will be marked for a month.

It is on 10th April 2023 that eligible students will begin their Internship which is expected to take six weeks.

Below is the detailed program;

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