Kyambogo University Introduces 9 Training Centres for Primary Teachers

Kyambogo University Introduces 9 Training Centres for Primary Teachers
Image result for Prof Eli Katunguka + campustimes
Prof Eli Katunguka, the Kyambogo University Vice Chancellor

Kyambogo University has established nine nine Primary Teachers’ Colleges (PTCs) to help train primary teachers across the Uganda with modern teaching techniques.

The centres will be open starting this academic year for all primary teachers wishing to acquire a degree of Bachelor of Education in Primary Education or a Bachelor of Education in Special Needs Education External.

The initiative was launched over the weekend at Jinja Primary Teachers’ College Wanyange.

According to Prof Eli Katunguka, the Kyambogo University Vice Chancellor, the decision was made to give a chance to primary teachers in rural areas to pursue a Bachelor’s degree programme in primary education.

“One of our mandates as a university is to improve the country’s education by making it accessible to everyone. By opening these new centres, our teachers will acquire more skills especially in education management hence advancing their career,” he said.

Kyambogo University has been the centre for primary teachers’ further education, however, after the launch, the university will only offer technical assistance to the centers as Prof Katunguka explained.

However, all fees will still be paid to the university account.

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