Kyambogo University Mathematics, Software and Softskills For Industrial and Societal Needs workshop

Workshop Motivation and Background

 Technology has become an essential tool for appreciating mathematics in today’s world. It can be used in a variety of ways to improve and enhance the teaching of mathematics. Technology can provide students with opportunities to explore different representations of mathematical ideas and support them in making connections both within and outside of mathematics. The use of technology in teaching mathematics activities may be regarded as a new language of communication in the development and construction of knowledge. Knowledge about the role of technology in the educational process can contribute to better preparation of future teachers in not only choosing the right technology but also the way of teaching. The main goal of the workshop is therefore to foster the connection between mathematics and technology.

Mathematics plays a key role in modern industries which in turn generate big data. Big data is almost impossible to analyze without the use of the most powerful analytical tools, whose roots stem from mathematics. Unfortunately, some technical and hands-on manipulation skills of these powerful tools are often not given the due time due to examination pressures and more. As a result, students do not utilize their mastery.

Coupled with Kyambogo University’s mission which is “To advance and promote knowledge and development of skills in science, technology and education and such other fields having regard to quality, equity, progress and transformation of society” and the Vision “To be a Center of Academic and Professional Excellence”, the department of Mathematics has organized this workshop as part of a series to bridge the gap especially for postgraduate students and staff who may be interested in such hands-on knowledge and skills for their research, data analysis and dissemination of their results.


 By the end of the workshop,

  • Postgraduate students and interested staff should be able to typeset in the tentative LaTex template for the Faculty of Science
  • Participants should be able to visualize and analyze their data using
  • Participants should be able to optimize a simple linear programming problem using AMPL software.
  • Communicate their science in a simple and accessible way to various


After the workshops, participants should be able:

  • Typeset various documents using
  • Read, manipulate and analyze data using
  • Optimize some of their investments using AMPL
  • Appreciate their responsibility to communicate science accessibly using various platforms such as newspapers, radio, TV etc with the aim of increasing research uptake by various stakeholders.

Description of sub-themes:

  • Typesetting using LaTex; This is a very powerful typesetting software for typing mathematical equations and more. We hope that a LaTex template for postgraduate theses in the Faculty of Science could be used for uniformity and quality
  • Data analysis using SPSS; This is one of the most used statistical software for data analysis as evidenced by published articles and Internship reports from students of Statistics.
  • Large scale optimization using AMPL: Decision theory is part of our everyday life in businesses, industries and more. Introduction to such a software is not only a service for academic growth but household finance as
  • Science communication: Communicating science to non-experts has been responsible for unresolved issues around climate change, GMOs and distortion of scientific research outputs by Equipping graduate students and staff in the Faculty of science with the art of communicating science would increase the uptake of their research output by stakeholders of all kinds.

Description of the Target Audience

 Academic staff and postgraduate students from the Faculty of Science, Kyambogo University.

Workshop Requirements

A venue with projector having VGA/HDMI connector, Internet connection (wifi) Room setup: Computer lab.

Instructions for participants: Every participant should have a laptop computer since the workshop will be hands-on. However, those without will use the computers in the computer lab.

Workshop Facilitators: Staff from the Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Kyambogo University

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