LDC Unveils Dates For the 50th Graduation Ceremony

LDC Unveils Dates For the 50th Graduation Ceremony

The Law Development Center (LDC) has announced graduation dates for the three branches, Kampala, Mbarara, and Lira campuses.

This follows the institution’s move to decentralize graduation, effective this year.

LDC will hold its 50th Graduation Ceremony at the different branches as follows;

  • Mbarara Campus 16th June 2023
  • Kampala Campus 23rd June 2023
  • Lira Campus 30th June 2023

According to the centre, the decentralization is aimed at cutting costs incurred by students while travelling to attend the graduation ceremony in Kampala.

Frank Obonyo, the LDC senior public relations officer, the initiative intends to nurture stakeholders to participate in celebrating the success of students whom they train and the need for upcountry staff and development.

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“Decentralising the graduation will give parents a sense of ownership, the opportunity to visit and appreciate the learning environment of their children and decentralisation of support to service providers and the local economies,” said Obonyo.

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