Lets Talk About Coffee – Cappuccino

Lets Talk About Coffee – Cappuccino

A cappuccino is a type of coffee drink. It comes from Italy and is prepared with espresso, hot milk, and steamed-milk foam and is made in a steam-producing espresso machine for example this simple machine below.

Do you love a great cappuccino? This small but mighty cup is one of the most famous espresso drinks of all! It stars that perfect combination of steamed milk, espresso and frothy foam. Guess what? You can make a barista-quality cappuccino in the comfort of your own home.

Why Cappuccino?

It helps in several kinds of psychological health benefits like the stimulation of mind and mental alertness. Cappuccino also has high antioxidant properties that help in the prevention of skin problems and also memory loss.

Cappuccino also lowers the risks of cardiovascular ailments.

When the cappuccino drink was first introduced in Italy, it was named after the Capuchin friars because the color of the espresso mixed with frothed milk was similar to the color of the Capuchin robe. The name, whimsical in a world of utilitarian coffee-drink names, stuck; we borrowed it into English in the late 1800s.

It is a favorite due to its rich coffee flavor, creamy texture and delicious foam on top. Traditionally a cappuccino is viewed as a drink that should only be consumed in the morning. It is made from a shot of espresso and frothed milk.

Drinking a cappuccino in the morning means that the lactose and fat content of the milk can provide an energy boost for the rest of the day.

The difference in calories between a cappuccino and coffee is pretty small, but a cappuccino has more calories because of the milk. A regular cup of coffee has virtually no calories, while a cappuccino has about 60-70. What is this? So if you’re watching your calorie intake, it’s best to stick with regular coffee.

Darren says,” People who order a cappuccino are slightly more adventurous than latte drinkers, as they’re looking for a bit more and could be considered more fun.

Their personality traits suggest they’re prepared to push themselves a little bit more into unknown territory.

Cappuccino. Cappuccino, and other frothy drink, lovers are perfectionists who like being in control. Cappuccino drinkers have high-demand personalities and can be obsessive, overly-sensitive and health-conscious

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