Life at Makerere university can only be compared to that in Heaven.

Life at Makerere university can only be compared to that in Heaven.

Hello Friends, Now that I am very much convinced that majority of you have finally settled ,I have the honor to officially pass on my message of welcoming you!

I am exceedingly grateful, profoundly humbled and overwhelmingly terrific to warmly welcome all of you to Makerere “The University”. As it is widely known, Makerere is the only university West of the Indian Ocean, South of the Sahara, North of Limpopo and East of the Congo and as we talk, we are, currently ranked the best in East, Central and North Africa, 4th on the African continent, and excluding South Africa, we are number one in Africa.

No wonder we are called “The Harvard of Africa” Haters may say all kinds of negative and malicious propaganda against Makerere, but “BIG WILL ALWAYS REMAIN BIG, NO MATTER WHAT!”. With great pride therefore and on behalf of Kampala Capital City Authority, (KCCA), I warmly welcome all of you to the epitome of understanding, the pinnacle of intellectualism and the longest spinal cord of academia-Makerere University.

To our dear freshers, Makerere University is a place where all things are possible. Joining makerere is like falling in love with the most beautiful or handsome lover. One degree from makerere is equivalent to 10 degrees from other “so-called universities” combined.

Life at Makerere can only be compared to that in heaven. The Knowledge you acquire at Makerere can never be found in any of those “so-called Universities” in Uganda.What can I say, and what can I leave Out?

Therefore, in my view, having joined Makerere University is one step into the new world because it is a unique place where intellectualism, reason and rationality swim together in the pursuit of justice and promotion of common good of all Makerereans.

I believe you have been oriented well by both the students’ guild and the university administration so as to understand the norms, values and regulations of this great University!

But to also add my voice , for assistance on an academic issue, please run to your college, If it concerns your welfare, visit the dean of students or guild offices. If it’s a political issue or you feel not satisfied by other offices on any issue above, call on me via my mobile, email ,twitter, facebook or visit my office and you will urgently be assisted where possible!

As a political leader in this place, I implore you behave as mature people in everything you do. Lets respect both the university and national laws. Let’s enjoy our freedoms without necessarily infringing on the rights of others. Since we have an academic goal to achieve, don’t live an irresponsible life.

Not every fun at campus is good for you. HIV AIDs still exists and kills, yet the World still expects a lot from us all. Without mincing words, Abstinence, Be faithful and in case you have to, Condom use is the way to go. Please and please, let’s be Sharp, Smart and hrewd(3s).

Above all, and Most Important, in all things we do, regardless of our religious convictions, let’s put God first. This is how you will be in position to succeed in life during and after campus. This has worked for me and I believe it will also work for you! As part of my annual program, next month, on 16th, If resources allow, I shall organize a beach bash to officially welcome you at Makerere!

To the continuing students, I gladly welcome back all of you from the holidays and I send my heartfelt sympathies to all those who encountered challenges of whatever nature. Many things, both good and bad took place during the holidays and I shall be reporting to you in my next communication. ONCE AGAIN, I WARMLY WELCOME ALL OF YOU TO THE IVORY TOWER AND I WISH YOU A FRUITFUL SEMESTER, AS WE BUILD FOR THE FUTURE


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