Lwasa Confused As Vanessa Vanishes On The Eve Of Introduction

Lwasa Confused As Vanessa Vanishes On The Eve Of Introduction

Tycoon Emmanuel Lwasa’s life follows a similar pattern. Identify a beautiful girl, parade her in the media, meet her parents, gift her a car, hog the limelight…break up..spill her intimate secrets and then move on to the next impressionable girl.

Emmanuel Lwasa Kaweesi is confused after Vanessa Vanny switched off her phones and vanished on the eve of introduction day.

When he unveiled a one Vanesa last week, many on social media threw snide remarks. They claimed that the woman, a failed musician and consort to singer Ziza Bafana, was of questionable morals.

However, yesterday Lwasa started calling Vanessa Vanny but kept on making her phone busy.

Lwasa and his team stormed Mulungu where Vanessa resides and failed to trace her.

Lwasa on the other hand has nade himself a name as skirt-loving tycoon. He has dated over seven babes in space of four years.

After separating with Desire Luzinda in 2019, Lwasa dated BBS Terefayina presenter, Diana Nabatanzi, Precious Remmie, Kalibatanya, Angel Kwakunda, among many others.

We are digging deep to find out whether Lwasa and his team managed to trace her but he had set today as the official day to visit Vanesaa Vanny’s relatives.


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