Lwasa’s Wife Angel Requests Court For Divorce

Lwasa’s Wife Angel Requests Court For Divorce

City tycoon, Emmanuel Lwasa’s wife Angel Kwakunda has revealed that her life is in danger.  This comes after Lwasa’s elder children ganged up against her and threw her out of her marital home in Bulaga on Mityana Road.

Lwasa built this house for his older wife, Martha Lwasa who now resides in Canada. “I do not feel safe. I don’t know what their intentions are. The matters are being handled by my lawyers,” she told The Kampala Sun while shedding tears.

It should be recalled that when Lwasa recently reunited with Angel Kwakunda in June, he shifted her from a city apartment to the country home on Mityana road.  The home is shared by Lwasa’s elder children.

Angel recounts that she was denied access to the house and when she tried to force her way in, she was savaged. She then rushed to police.  She accuses her tormentors of stealing sh10m from her in the process.

According to Lwasa, his children chased Angel after discovering she was behind the circulation of a recently leaked nude video in which he starred.

“They accuse her of bewitching them and also embarrassing me. We are going to sit on a round table and solve these issues,” Lwasa vowed.

The Kampala Metropolitan police spokesperson, Patrick Onyango confirmed the development and confirmed Lwasa’s children opened the case accusing Angel of bewitching them and humiliating their dad.

Angel’s lawyer Precious Nahabwe of Elgon Advocates says there was there was battery and theft. He revealed that Angel revealed to them that she was tired of the marriage and instructed them to file for divorce.  However, in the interim, she wants to be given access to her marital home.

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