Mak Vice-Chancellor Commissions state-of-the-art Fire Detection & Protection System for Senate Building

Mak Vice-Chancellor Commissions state-of-the-art Fire Detection & Protection System for Senate Building

On Monday afternoon the 13th of March 2023, the Vice Chancellor of Makerere University, Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe, commissioned the state-of-the-art fire detection and protection system for Senate Building, one of the buildings that houses the academic documents and records for the University.

Mrs. Patience Mushengyezi (Left) showing Prof. Umar Kakumba (2nd Right) Prof. Buyinza Mukadasi (2nd Left) and Prof. Justine Namaalwa (Right) some of the equipment that has been installed.

The Vice Chancellor pointed out that, learning from the horrific incident when the Main Building was gutted by fire in September 2020, the University could not risk having another sensitive building like Senate not to have fire detection and protection system.

“I would like to thank the Government of Uganda, through Mak-RIF and our partner Mastercard Foundation, for funding such an important project in the University. This fire detection and protection system is very essential for our institution in order to protect the lives of our stakeholders and our academic records.” Prof. Nawangwe noted. 

Prof. Kakumba also thanked Mastercard Foundation for the recovery support, which supported in the second phase of the project, which was the installation of fire detection and protection system.

Officials witness a demonstration of the fire hydrant by the service provider.
Officials witness a demonstration of the fire hydrant by the service provider.

“When our building got burnt, the first partner to extend a hand of support was the Mastercard Foundation, for which we are very grateful. Mastercard Foundation has supported Makerere University in many other projects, and we thank them very much.” He remarked.

Prof. Kakumba called upon the Estates Department and all other stakeholders, to ensure that the fire detection system is well maintained and serviced for effective and efficient use of the system.

READ ALSO: http://Main Building Reconstruction Commences

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