Mbarara university to host PAN Africa PCAF Psychotrauma Conference

Mbarara university to host PAN Africa PCAF Psychotrauma Conference
Associate Prof. Samuel Maling,Dean, Faculty of Medicine, Mbarara University
Associate Prof. Samuel Maling,Dean, Faculty of Medicine, Mbarara University

I wish to take this opportunity to extend to you all a very warm welcome to Mbarara for the 7th PCAF conference. I would like to offer a special welcome to our guests from outside Mbarara particularly colleagues coming from outside Uganda.

We have put together a very rich and stimulating program that will provoke your thinking and discussion. A number of very eminent speakers locally and abroad have been invited and will contribute to the exciting program.

In our endeavor to contribute support to traumatized communities, the department of Psychiatry, Mbarara University has partnered with UNHCR in providing psychosocial care to refugees in Southwestern Uganda.

The PCAF conference theme this year: “Trauma and community mental health” is in line with our work

Mbarara University is proud to be hosts of this year’s conference as it comes when we are marking 25 years of our existence: 1989 -2014.

The 7th PCAF conference is hence a Silver Jubilee event for Mbarara University.
I look forwarding to seeing you July 21st to 24th in Mbarara.

For more visit the conference website

The writer is Associate Prof. Samuel Maling (Dean, Faculty of Medicine,Mbarara University)

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