Meet Cynthia Mutesi, the girl of the week

Cynthia Mutesi,Girl of the week
Cynthia Mutesi,Girl of the week

Cythia Mutesi studied at Holy Cross Lake View in Jinja District. Date of Birth 24th June 1989, She is interested in Both men ad women.

But those interested in her should only contact her for developmental issues and in a developmental way.

To be able to communicate with her effectively, you must be knowing how to speak German, French and English.

To those who can not speak any of the above languages, try whispering to her your sweet words in Luganda or Lusoga.

By the way, the 24 year old Cynthia is still single. Those doubting this should go and hang on a tomato stem. ……..Kudos Cynthia…..

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