Meet Uganda Christian University’s wander boy – Kidandaire Joel

Meet Uganda Christian University’s wander boy – Kidandaire Joel
Kidandaire Joel is a law student at UCU.
Kidandaire Joel is a law student at UCU.

Kidandaire Joel commonly known as Kidjo is a second year law student at Uganda Christian University (UCU). The soft spoken elegant politician shared with The Campus Times about his life.

I remember the following words of my Daddy, he said calmly; “go slow about the three W’s” (women, wealth and wine). This is why am taking my time, when the right time comes I will do the needful, so my dear girls relax…….

You must have attended first class schools, tells us about your education background?

I went to Seeta high school for my A Level, Hana mixed international school for O’level and Iganga boys for my primary. I’m now pursuing LLB (Bachelor’s degree course in Law); my dream course at Uganda Christian University.

What makes you happy…

I’m all smiles when I see Unity among students of UCU regardless of tribe, status and academic discipline. If we are one, we can achieve a lot including a reduction in the tuition and other things that will benefit the common student at UCU. ‘’solidarity is the key to change’’.

Well many say you have dime, do you work or it’s Daddy’s money?

Kidandaire Joel is a law student at UCU.
Kidandaire Joel is a law student at UCU.

Unfortunately I am an orphan who has suffered and undergone all sorts of problems. Everyone has money; it depends on how you spend it. A wise man once said “do not save after spending but spend what is left after saving”. I do a lot of saving from the little am given.

However, during holidays I do work with my mum in a number of businesses from which I derive a salary and earn a living. Meaning I work for my money. By the way, I really work hard in holidays

What do you have to say about the Anglican policy of guild presidents at UCU.

Well as its discriminatory, legally I have no objection to it because it only applies to one post of-guild president. Other positions can be filled up with people of other regions. However, the university should review this policy and examine its relevance. But the public should also be in the know of UCU’s history.

What are you currently working on?

Just opting to get more involved in student leadership, both at campus and nationally. I also want to focus on managing my business, finally am going to be more involved in charity and helping the needy through international justice mission.

Future prospects……

For sure, I’m eying the position of Eastern youth member of parliament and of course the big seat.

Are you in a relationship?

Kidandaire Joel is a law student at UCU.
Kidandaire Joel is a law student at UCU.

I remember the following words of my Daddy, he said calmly “go slow about the three W’s” (women, wealth and wine). This is why am taking my time, when the right time comes I will first inform The Campus Times.

Who inspires you?

Nelson Mandela, that man advocated for our rights at the most difficult moment which included risking his life. A few leaders have such a spirit. Business wise, it’s my beloved mum. She started from scratch.


Reading inspirational novels, swimming and playing video games “fifa 15” is my favorite.

Finally are you standing for UCU top guild job?

That’s not a new question; many UCU students have recognized my potential and besieged me to come for the big post. But this will be answered at the right time.

Interview by Prof Duck

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