Music Review: Siri Regular By Spice Diana

Music Review: Siri Regular By Spice Diana

Spice Diana’s latest single is a delicious little ditty called Siri Regular.

I have always felt that a record company’s primary role should be finding their artiste’s comfort zone. It’s one of the things that Source Management has done brilliantly with Spice Diana.

But most importantly, they seem to always find the right music for her, something that fits her persona and her ability.

Siri Regular is a track fits Spice Diana’s vocals perfectly, offering her the sort of tune she can voice petulantly, and which she can actually belt out. She’s perfectly in character when executing a song, as she is for most of the vehicles.

READ MORE: Music Review: Dokita By Spice Diana

The ramped up zouk groove for the song is also one that she can work with comfortably, and makes the song even catchier. Whoever was on that melodic bass guitar was having the time of his life.

The song’s video has a healthy viewership on YouTube, partly because Source Management are often able to whip up intriguing videos for Diana.

This particular video captures the playful sass and message of the song, but mostly, it also helps channel Diana’s charisma. And she’s got that in spades.

The song’s hook is an actual hook, with a call-and-answer format to it, and a simple, memorable melody that helps improve its catchiness.

One of the most direct compliments you can pay a song is that you felt it ended too soon.

I felt like this Siri Regular ended too soon. Increasingly, this is becoming a regular response to Diana’s music. And in case you hadn’t grasped my point yet, that can only be a good thing.

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