Nkumba University Guild Handover: From Byarugaba Julius to Kemirembe Ronah

Nkumba University Guild Handover: From Byarugaba Julius to Kemirembe Ronah
Kemirembe Ronah
Kemirembe Ronah

The new Nkumba university guild president, Kemirembe Ronah finally kicked off her guild roles after acquiring the tools of power from her predecessor Byarugaba Julius at the handover ceremony held on Friday May 8th 2015.

The 23 year old Business student in her 2nd year was announced the 3rd female guild president after beating seven other candidates in the race.

The handover ceremony was presided over by the acting Vice Chancellor of Nkumba university, Bwenje Francis who cautioned the leaders against involving themselves in violent strikes.

He also asked them to work in unity and lead a responsible life as leaders as they concentrate on their studies.

In her inauguration speech, Ronah reminded her subordinates to cooperate and leave an exemplary lifestyle that will leave a legacy for their predecessors.

Kemirembe Ronah(2nd R) with her relatives
Kemirembe Ronah(2nd R) with her relatives
Kemirembe Ronah(L) receiving the instruments of power from Byarugaba
Kemirembe Ronah(L) receiving the instruments of power from Byarugaba
Bottles, spoons, chicken and chewing were at play.
Bottles, spoons, chicken and chewing were at play.
The two shook the floor to the surprise of many.
The two shook the floor to the surprise of many.

Later in the evening all the guild officials had their handover dinner at Country Lake Resort-Garuga where eating and dancing habits were exhibited.

This was attended by some of Ronah’s relatives that included her mother.

They retired at 10:00PM for an after-party at club X5 where they almost danced their bones off till morning.

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