Nkumba University to Lunch Silver Jubilee Celebrations

Nkumba University (Photo by Philimon Badagawa)

Nkumba University is set to launch its Silver Jubilee celebrations on Tuesday 18th June 2019 at the main campus in Entebbe.

Launch of the Silver Jubilee celebrations will involve among other activities, thanksgiving prayers, naming a number of buildings as well as installation of the Silver Jubilee Organising Committee chaired by Sir Gordon Wavamunno, the University Chancellor.

The Guest of Honor will be the Katikkiro of Buganda, Charles Peter Mayiga, and the thanksgiving prayers will be led by Bishop Dr. George Ssenabulya.

The theme of the Silver Jubilee celebrations is: “25 Years of Academic and Professional Service”.

In the last 25 years (1994 – 2019) Nkumba has educated many men and women who are serving humanity in several countries. Nkumba graduates have been employed in both the public and private sector. Given the good education experience on offer, a considerable number of Nkumba University graduates have been able to create their own enterprises.

“All alumni, friends of Nkumba University and well-wishers are welcome to participate in the Silver Jubilee activities that will run from 18th June to 27th September 2019,” said Prof. Wilson Muyinda Mande, the Vice Chancellor.

ALSO READ: Dr.Gordon Wavamunno’s tips for university students

Developing a Reading culture for personal development – Prof. Wilson Muyinda Mande


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