Police Officer Shoots, Injures UCU Student

Police Officer Shoots, Injures UCU Student

In Mukono, Uganda, a police counterterrorism officer shot and injured a student at Uganda Christian University (UCU) whom he suspected to be a thief.

The incident occurred around 1 am when the officer, ASP Tebangole Dismass, noticed someone trying to open his door. Believing it to be a break-in, he fired three shots through the window, hitting 21-year-old Nagayi Natasha near her right chest.

Natasha fell to the ground and called for help, mentioning the name Bandishe Ashiraf, a tenant in the officer’s residence. The officer later emerged from his residence.

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Further investigation revealed that Natasha was with her boyfriend, Ashiraf, who had given her the key to enter the residence while he stayed outside.

Mistakenly, she attempted to open the officer’s room, resulting in the shooting. A pistol with ammunition was recovered from the officer, who has been arrested.

Natasha, in critical condition, was taken to Kawolo Hospital for medical attention. Ongoing inquiries are being conducted to gather more details about the incident.

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