Students give Makerere university council two days ultimatum

Students give Makerere university council two days ultimatum
Bwowe Ivan, Makerere university Guild President
Bwowe Ivan, Makerere university Guild President

Makerere university students demonstrated against the policy of increasing fees by 10%. They also presented a petition to the concerned offices requesting for a forensic audit of Makerere university.

“Thanks a lot for turning up day and making a statement about 10%‪. Hopping council is called soon. Or else we shall moblise numbers and match to Parliament demanding for an audit of 10%. We are ready to do anything to Protect the future generation. Those who have capacity to moblise peaceful demonstrations have capacity to mobilise a violent one, our demands are serious……” Ivan Bwowe, Makerere university Guild President says.

Students led by their Guild President, Ivan Bwowe gave the university council an ultimatum of two days to revise the 10% tuition fees increment that was passed by the university council in February this year.

It was a bee hive of Police at Makerere university
It was a bee hive of Police at Makerere university


“On Wednesday(23rd, July), we will gather at the freedom square and we take a petition to parliament”, one of the guild leaders said.

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