Tear gas at Makerere University Business School

Tear gas at Makerere University Business School
Makerere university Business School (MUBS) students at the start of the strike
Makerere university Business School (MUBS) students at the start of the strike

MUBS students on strike

Striking Makerere University Business School (MUBS) students are breathing in tear gas as police try to calm the situation.

Students started striking after being denied to sit for tests minus stamped cards that prove that they have paid 100% of the tuition fees.

“The situation is very bad, we had course-works but these people wanted us to have cleared 100%. Some Students had the Bank slips which acknowledged their payments but they insisted and demanded for registration cards. Hence Chaos”,

MUBS Guild Prime Minister, Godfrey Luyombya explains.

Some MUBS students have resorted to stealing and destroying property in the nearby trading centres.  Police is currently at the campus premises teargassing every where.
Chaos at MUBS as students strike
Chaos at MUBS as students strike

All papers which were supposed to be done this weekend have been postponed to  next weekend.

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  1. Pingback: MUBS students on strike | Campus Times

  2. Pingback: MUBS students on strike | Campus Times

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