Technician-Radiology Job Opportunity at Lira University 

Vacancy title: Technician-Radiology


Category: Teachers & Education

Jobs at: Lira University

Deadline of this Job: 13th September 2019

Duty Station: Within Uganda , Lira , East Africa


Lira University was established as a Public University by Statutoiy Instrument 2015 No.35, of July 16th 2015 to expand access to equitable Higher Education in the country and to respond to the critical Human Resource Development needs of the country. The University is governed by the Universities and Other Tertiary institutions Act, 2001 as amended 2006 of the Republic of Uganda. The University is located in the Lango Sub-region in Northern Uganda, Lira District, 10km from Lira Town at Ayere Village, Barapwo Parish, Lira Sub – County. in order to fulfill the current mandate and to position the University lo meet all it’s objectives and planned activities.
Lira University now wishes to recruit staff in the following position.
Job Title: Technician-Radiology
Salary Scale: M12
Department: Diagnostics.

Job Responsibilities: Not Specified
Job Skills: Not Specified
Job Qualifications: Not Specified
Job Education Requirements: Not Specified
Job Experience Requirements: Not Specified

Job application procedure
Qualifying persons should submit five (5) copies of their application letters duly signed together with certified photocopies of their transcripts, certificates, five (5) recent passport photographs and latest copy of their curriculum vitae giving full details of the applicants education, work experience and naming three referees with their postal addresses and day time phone contact.
The application should be put in a sealed envelope (A3) and the job applied for indicated on the envelope. Applicants must make sure that at least two referees have forwarded recommendation letters conceming their application to the University Secretary before the closing date of this advertisement
Applications should be delivered by hand in the Office of the University Secretary and addressed to:
The University Secretary,
Lira University, P.0. Box 1035, Lira.
Please visit our website at:  for details of the job
Note that on-line applications will not be considered and only shortlisted applicants will be contacted for interviews. The deadline for receiving applications is Friday, 13th September 2019 at 5:00 p.m.

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