Top signs to show that your girlfriend is cheating on you

Top signs to show that your girlfriend is cheating on you
You may hardly know that she is cheating on you but the acts can tell.
You may hardly know that she is cheating on you but the acts can tell.
She always minds about her beauty and she gives much time to her mirror than she does to you.
Shes is always secretive about her proggie and she will not tell you where her next hangout will be; least she does lie to you.
She doesn’t allow you to hold her hand or waist in public.
When you are walking with her,she walks a distance away from you.
She will hardly show you her real friends.
She will never look in your eyes for more than 5mins.
She is always with endless appointments.
She has very many brothers and OBs. Every guy you find her with is either a brother or an OB.
 She does not want you to know more about her and she will always cut your conversation short.
She avoids your appointments.
She will never allow you to touch her phone but she will be interested in checking your massages.
She will always criticize you that your cheating on her yet she’s the one cheating on you.
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