UCU Guild speaker suspends MPs

Some of UCU Guild officials at the Handover ceremony in Nkoyoyo
Some of UCU Guild officials at the Handover ceremony in Nkoyoyo

By Osborn Mushabe

The Guild Speaker of Uganda Christian University (UCU) last week suspended the official activities of four Business MPs.

The MPs whose activities have been suspended are Byabakama Akandwanaho, Golola William for the constituency of Business and Finance, Kuku Mpagi Hannington, Nabwokye Ivan for the constituency of Business and Management.

According to the Speaker of Parliament, Kajubi Brian’s ruling of which I have got a copy as the official spokesperson of the Government (Minister of Information, ICT and Presidency), the activities of the four Business MPs have been suspended and the Speaker ordered the electoral commission to present the changes to Parliament in the next Parliamentary session subject to approval by Parliament.

Business faculty used to have 2 MPs only and in the Wabwire led Government (Former UCU Guild President), it had Musiimenta Andrew and Bongomin Oscar but in May this year, Senate divided the faculty into two departments i.e Business and Finance for BBA, BBC and International Business and then Business and Management for Procurement, BEPP, BEM, Human Resource Management.

Each department automatically qualifies to get 2 MPs in Parliament like the way the department of BPAM has 2 MPs, Swasa has 2 MPs, BDS has 2 Mps but they are all under faculty of social sciences.

The major problem was that the information from senate only went to Electoral Commission who immediately carried out the election without notifying Parliament for approval of the changes thus violating Article 84(3) of the Guild Constitution that gives Parliament powers to approve constituencies demarcated by Electoral Commission.

The MP for Law and Minister for General Duties, Sserugendo Joshua dragged the Electoral Commission to the tribunal for violating the constitution and the tribunal ruled in his favor and served a copy of judgement to the Speaker’s office who referred the matter to Parliament where the MPs on Thursday 18th July 2013 voted that the matter be decided on by the Legal Affairs Committee.

The Legal Affairs Committee is comprised of the Speaker of Parliament and MP for Law, Kajubi Brian who is the chairperson, his deputy Joel Bamwise who is the Vice Chairperson of the committee and MP Non Residents, MP Law Sserugendo Joshua(did not attend), Mabingo Sharif (MP Non Residents and Minister of Health, and Manjeri Kyebakutika(MP BDS and Deputy Minister of Welfare).

They then decided that the activities of Business MPs should be suspended and Electoral Commission explains the changes to Parliament for approval and which the chairperson and Speaker, Kajubi Brian communicated.

If Parliament approves the changes, Business MPs may come back from the suspension
If Parliament rejects the changes, the Electoral Commission shall be forced to organize another election depending on the choice of Parliament…This means that we can either have 2 or 4 MPs emerging out of elections depending on the decision of Parliament.

BUT THE RHETORIC QUESTION IS…..When will Parliament sit to decide on the changes presented by the Electoral Commission when we are heading into exams for this semester???
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