Uganda Christian University contributed 10m shillings towards the reconstruction of the Buganda Royal Tombs at Kasubi which were destroyed by fire in 2010.
The money was given to Charles Peter Mayiga, the Prime Minister of Buganda Kingdom at the Hamu Mukasa Day celebrations on Saturday 21st June at UCU.
Peter Mayiga called upon the youths to work towards leaving a legacy. He said many people in leadership positions today pursue individual gain.
“The great challenge we have today is lack of statesmen. We have politicians who strive for political victory not for the benefit of future generations. I ask you youths not to do the same,” he said.
Mayiga was speaking at the Hamu Mukasa Day celebrations on Saturday 21st June at UCU where he was the guest of honour.
He added that for the youths to become great statesmen in future, they have to take on the culture of reading which he said is lacking among many Ugandans.
“Those who are going to lead the world are those who seek knowledge and are eager to learn. The library named after Hamu Mukasa is a landmark. You need knowledge to survive today and in the future,” he stressed.
The Vice Chancellor, Rev. Can. Dr. John Senyonyi, thanked the Katikkiro for accepting the invitation and for being an example of a good leader. He also thanked the kingdom for supporting the university.
He thanked Mayiga for awakening the heart of philanthropy, lacking so much in today’s generation.
“We need men and women like you in high places of leadership, people who work for the benefit of society. I also want to thank the Hamu Mukasa family for their support,” Rev. Can. Dr. John Senyonyi said
UCU handed a gift to the Hamu Mukasa family.
Hamu Mukasa Day is in honour of former saza chief of Kyaggwe and deputy Katikkiro of Buganda, Hamu Mukasa, who donated two square miles of the land where Bishop Tucker Theological College (BTTC) was built and the Ntawo land where UCU Holdings is.
BTTC gave birth to Uganda Christian University .
Mayiga toured the Hamu Mukasa Library and planted a tree before presiding over the Nkobazambogo leadership handover.