Ugandan Socialite Bryan White finally airs-out his source of income

Ugandan Socialite Bryan White finally airs-out his source of income

After a lot of criticisms from the masses over unknown sources of wealth with others citing that its from drugs, Bryan white has illustrated clearly on his Facebook page where his money comes from.

Here is the message;

My name is Kirumira Brian and commonly known as Bryan White. White was given to me by my Step father Claudio an Italian who passed on two years back. I am an orphan. I was born in 1985 and at the age of one my father abandoned us. I am the last born of four. Our first born is Sarah Kasumba who lives in Italy, our second born was Kalule Edward who passed on and the third born is Kabwama Robinson. Our other step brother from our Italian stepfather passed on as well.

Brian Kirumira, 33, aka also known as Bryan White the new Kampala Don

When our father abandoned us, our mother left for Italy sometime in 1986 for greener pastures, I was a year old then. My mother then got married to an Italian business man called Claudio who was dealing in real estate. He would buy old houses, renovate them and re-sell them as new. He accumulated funds and grew bigger in business. I later learned that my mother had contacted HIV together with her then husband. My mother had had a son Michael with our step father Claudio but unfortunately he too passed on too later. In 1993 my mother returned to Uganda and that is how I met my step brother. When she returned she took with her our elder sister Sarah. Unfortunately in 1997 my mother died and Sarah took over business with my step-father. 1999 our brother Kalule died. Sarah then started sending us some money and its then that I started doing business too. I would buy and sell cars and make off small profits.

Entebbe socialite Maggie with Bryan White enjoying money

In 2014 our step-father died. Last year in September, my sister Sarah gave me a call and asked I travel to Italy and meet the lawyers of our late step-father’s estate company. He had left a WILL and I was to carry on with his business, I was his heir. He has quite a significant amount of savings on his account and it’s from that that I brought some to Africa and precisely Uganda.

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